Tuesday 15 October 2013

Clam Sukka- Mangalore stlye

  1. Clams-2  kg
  2. Coconut-1/2
  3. Roasted Red chili- 15- 17
  4. Tamarind paste - 1 Tbs
  5. Coriander seeds- 1 Tbs
  6. Cumin seeds- 1 Tbs
  7. Garlic- 10 cloves
  8. Onion- 2 Big
  9. Salt

Carefully clean the clams 2 to 3 times to get rid of sands. Add 2 glass of water and boil the clams partially covering the plate.   Don't add too much of water as the clams tend to generally leave the water while cooking. After 20 mins most of the shells should have opened. Separate the meat from the clams and keep aside. The stock should be used while grinding / in the masala, this will bring in nice flavor to the dish. Always strain the clam stock before adding to the dish.

In a blender first blend the tamarind, coriander seeds, and roasted chilies to a fine paste. Now coarsely grind the garlic, cumin seeds and coconut.

In the pan fry the onions till light brown with little oil. Now add the blended mixture and fry till the raw smell disappears. Finally add the clams and clam stock and cooks for 15- 20 mins in medium flame.
Serve it hot with neer dosa / with rice.

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